Tamarind Tree School
The Tamarind Tree School is an experiment to redefine education. A space to innovate bold pedagogy based on open digital technologies.
The School is built on the idea of Open Education. Over the last decade it has been a space and laboratory to experiment with pedagogy, tools and technologies. The school has now established a model of Open Education.
We believe that the traditional classroom model of sitting in large groups, absorbing content delivered by the teacher - in a one to many situation is irrelevant today. At the school, we have broken the classroom format, where students pursue their own path of learning guided by mentors who understand their needs and a Learning Platform customised and built for them.
Tamarind Tree has its own feature rich Learning Management Platform - My Big Campus. This is an online learning environment, that hosts the school’s courses and curriculum from class one to eight, driven by the NCERT curriculum. Students engage with their content along with the facilitator. They work individually and have their own learning paths.
At Tamarind Tree, our aim is to create a community of self motivated learners. We believe that a space cannot really teach anymore, only help you become a learner. Our goal is to create individuals who are life long learners. The teacher then is the catalyst who nudges the student, and and guides them on this path.
The School is recognised by the Maharashtra government under the School Self Finance, Act (2012). With permission up to Class 8, Tamarind Tree students will appear for the Open Schooling exam of Class 10, under the Maharashtra Institute of Open Schooling (MIOIS). This is equivalent to the SSC board exam.
Education is a path for building equity and transforming marginalised communities. The parents of the students are committed to changing the lives of their children and contribute a monthly fees to the school. The school has a wholesome nutrition and sports programme along with a high quality technology driven education. However, given the economic realities of the parents, the school needs to subsidise the costs. Contribute to Tamarind Tree to bring quality education to a tribal child.